Save the date for upcoming Fringetastic events.
Pick the one that suits you best to get your Fringe Fix, or come to all of them in a whirlwind of FringeFrenzy.
Partner Cocktail and Networking
Sunday, February 26
Live entertainment, charming friends, and all your Fringe questions answered. This is the event to learn about partnering opportunities with Fringe, how the festival will benefit the neighborhood and local businesses, and ways to support innovative art in St. Louis. Meet the executive team putting the festival together.
Monday, February 27
Monday, February 27
This event is the first Artist party, brought to you specially by St. Lou Fringe. Featuring an open stage for anyone and everyone: juggle some apples, whistle dixie, play a jazz standard, or dance a jig, its ANYTHING GOES! Don't be upstaged, though, because there will be opportunities throughout the evening for community members, participating artists, and interested volunteers to meet one another and the event staff of St. Lou Fringe. This is an ideal opportunity to meet other artists, and brainstorm ways to collaborate in your Fringe projects. Artists are encouraged to request a time slot in advance between 5pm-7pm by emailing
Wednesday, February 29
Location TBD
Who ever said volunteering was boring? Fringe certainly doesn't think so. At this meeting, learn how you can be directly involved in the grassroots contagion that is FRINGE. We'll provide treats, entertainment, and (no doubt) great company. Special treat from Em if you bring a non-Fringey friend and make a convert of them!
Thursday, March 15
This is the last day for artists to submit applications...and we're taking the opportunity to do what Fringe does best – have a party. The event will feature the very first public announcement of the official Fringe BREAKTHROUGH SEASON Line-Up. Meet the Fringelings, mingle with artists, and get a taste of what all this Fringe stuff is going to be about (as well as a taste of some delicious food and drinks, prepared as only The Fountain on Locust can).
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